Silk Cuisine

656 W Lancaster Ave
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010



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April 15th, 2012

My family and I first entered Silk Cuisine hoping to have a pleasant experience. Unfortunately, the owner of Silk approached us very aggressively, and requested our immediate departure in order to make space for other clients waiting to be seated. Had she approached us in an appropriate manner, we would have had no problem honoring her request. As paying customers, we are entitled to great customer service, and we reserve the right to choose our departure time. I HIGHLY DISCOURAGE ANYONE FROM GOING TO SILK CUISINE IN BRYN MAWR!!!

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September 11th, 2009

The restaurant is run by a a group of simple and beautiful Thai people who came to US 16 years ago. They are always smiling and the food is served lovingly. The food was absolutely delicious and was easily the best Thai food I had ever tasted. I got to know Bu (as he is called by his friends and family; actual name Pohn Thep which means an angelic wish in Thai) the hotel manager a bit by talking to him and got a glimpse into the simple ways of these sweet and gentle people. I would highly recommend this restaurant for the food and the people.

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May 20th, 2009

GREAT food - nice people, I highly recommend Silk Cuisine.

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